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Scikit-Learn-based Stages

PdPipeline stages dependent on the scikit-learn Python library.

Please note that the scikit-learn Python package must be installed for the stages in this module to work.

When attempting to load stages from this module, pdpipe will first attempt to import sklearn. If it fails, it will issue a warning, will not import any of the pipeline stages that make up this module, and continue to load other pipeline stages.



Bases: ColumnsBasedPipelineStage

A pipeline stage that encodes categorical columns to integer values.

The encoder for each column is saved in the attribute 'encoders', which is a dict mapping each encoded column name to the sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object used to encode it.


Name Type Description Default
columns single label, list-like or callable, default None

Column labels in the DataFrame to be encoded. If columns is None then all the columns with object or category dtype will be converted, except those given in the exclude_columns parameter. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

exclude_columns single label, list-like or callable, default None

Label or labels of columns to be excluded from encoding. If None then no column is excluded. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

drop bool, default True

If set to True, the source columns are dropped after being encoded, and the resulting encoded columns retain the names of the source columns. Otherwise, encoded columns gain the suffix '_enc'.

**kwargs object

All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.



Name Type Description
encoders dict

A dictionary mapping each encoded column name to the corresponding sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object. Empty object if not fitted.


>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> data = [[3.2, "acd"], [7.2, "alk"], [12.1, "alk"]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2,3], ["ph","lbl"])
>>> encode_stage = pdp.Encode("lbl")
>>> encode_stage(df)
     ph  lbl
1   3.2    0
2   7.2    1
3  12.1    1
>>> encode_stage.encoders["lbl"].inverse_transform([0,1,1])
array(['acd', 'alk', 'alk'], dtype=object)
Source code in pdpipe/
class Encode(ColumnsBasedPipelineStage):
    A pipeline stage that encodes categorical columns to integer values.

    The encoder for each column is saved in the attribute 'encoders', which
    is a dict mapping each encoded column name to the
    sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object used to encode it.

    columns : single label, list-like or callable, default None
        Column labels in the DataFrame to be encoded. If columns is None then
        all the columns with object or category dtype will be converted, except
        those given in the exclude_columns parameter. Alternatively,
        this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of
        labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    exclude_columns : single label, list-like or callable, default None
        Label or labels of columns to be excluded from encoding. If None then
        no column is excluded. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a
        callable returning an iterable of labels from an input
        pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    drop : bool, default True
        If set to True, the source columns are dropped after being encoded,
        and the resulting encoded columns retain the names of the source
        columns. Otherwise, encoded columns gain the suffix '_enc'.
    **kwargs : object
        All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.

    encoders : dict
        A dictionary mapping each encoded column name to the corresponding
        sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object. Empty object if not fitted.

    >>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
    >>> data = [[3.2, "acd"], [7.2, "alk"], [12.1, "alk"]]
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2,3], ["ph","lbl"])
    >>> encode_stage = pdp.Encode("lbl")
    >>> encode_stage(df)
         ph  lbl
    1   3.2    0
    2   7.2    1
    3  12.1    1
    >>> encode_stage.encoders["lbl"].inverse_transform([0,1,1])
    array(['acd', 'alk', 'alk'], dtype=object)

    def __init__(self, columns=None, exclude_columns=None, drop=True, **kwargs):
        self._drop = drop
        self.encoders = {}
        super_kwargs = {
            "columns": columns,
            "exclude_columns": exclude_columns,
            "desc_temp": "Encode {}",
        super_kwargs["none_columns"] = OfDtypes(["object", "category"])

    def _transformation(self, X, verbose, fit):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _fit_transform(self, X, verbose):
        self.encoders = {}
        columns_to_encode = self._get_columns(X, fit=True)
        if verbose:
            columns_to_encode = tqdm(columns_to_encode)
        inter_X = X
        for colname in columns_to_encode:
            lbl_enc = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
            source_col = X[colname]
            loc = X.columns.get_loc(colname) + 1
            new_name = colname + "_enc"
            if self._drop:
                inter_X = inter_X.drop(colname, axis=1)
                new_name = colname
                loc -= 1
            inter_X = out_of_place_col_insert(
            self.encoders[colname] = lbl_enc
        self.is_fitted = True
        return inter_X

    def _transform(self, X, verbose):
        inter_X = X
        for colname in self.encoders:
            lbl_enc = self.encoders[colname]
            source_col = X[colname]
            loc = X.columns.get_loc(colname) + 1
            new_name = colname + "_enc"
            if self._drop:
                inter_X = inter_X.drop(colname, axis=1)
                new_name = colname
                loc -= 1
            inter_X = out_of_place_col_insert(
        return inter_X


encoders = {} instance-attribute


Bases: ColumnsBasedPipelineStage

A pipeline stage that scales data.


Name Type Description Default
scaler str

The type of scaler to use to scale the data. One of 'StandardScaler', 'MinMaxScaler', 'MaxAbsScaler', 'RobustScaler', 'QuantileTransformer' and 'Normalizer'. Refer to scikit-learn's documentation for usage.

columns single label, list-like or callable, default None

Column labels in the DataFrame to be scaled. If columns is None then all columns of numeric dtype will be scaled, except those given in the exclude_columns parameter. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

exclude_columns single label, list-like or callable, default None

Label or labels of columns to be excluded from encoding. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

joint bool, default False

If set to True, all scaled columns will be scaled as a single value set (meaning, only the single largest value among all input columns will be scaled to 1, and not the largest one for each column).

**kwargs extra keyword arguments

All valid extra keyword arguments are forwarded to the scaler constructor on scaler creation (e.g. 'n_quantiles' for QuantileTransformer). PdPipelineStage valid keyword arguments are used to override Scale class defaults.

**kwargs object

All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.



Name Type Description
scaler sklearn._OneToOneFeatureMixin

A scikit-learn scaler object.


>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> data = [[3.2, 0.3], [7.2, 0.35], [12.1, 0.29]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2,3], ["ph","gt"])
>>> scale_stage = pdp.Scale("StandardScaler")
>>> scale_stage(df)
         ph        gt
1 -1.181449 -0.508001
2 -0.082427  1.397001
3  1.263876 -0.889001
Source code in pdpipe/
class Scale(ColumnsBasedPipelineStage):
    A pipeline stage that scales data.

    scaler : str
        The type of scaler to use to scale the data. One of 'StandardScaler',
        'MinMaxScaler', 'MaxAbsScaler', 'RobustScaler', 'QuantileTransformer'
        and 'Normalizer'. Refer to scikit-learn's documentation for usage.
    columns : single label, list-like or callable, default None
        Column labels in the DataFrame to be scaled. If columns is None then
        all columns of numeric dtype will be scaled, except those given in the
        exclude_columns parameter. Alternatively, this parameter can be
        assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input
        pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    exclude_columns : single label, list-like or callable, default None
        Label or labels of columns to be excluded from encoding. Alternatively,
        this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of
        labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    joint : bool, default False
        If set to True, all scaled columns will be scaled as a single value
        set (meaning, only the single largest value among all input columns
        will be scaled to 1, and not the largest one for each column).
    **kwargs : extra keyword arguments
        All valid extra keyword arguments are forwarded to the scaler
        constructor on scaler creation (e.g. 'n_quantiles' for
        QuantileTransformer). PdPipelineStage valid keyword arguments are used
        to override Scale class defaults.
    **kwargs : object
        All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.

    scaler : sklearn._OneToOneFeatureMixin
        A scikit-learn scaler object.

    >>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
    >>> data = [[3.2, 0.3], [7.2, 0.35], [12.1, 0.29]]
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2,3], ["ph","gt"])
    >>> scale_stage = pdp.Scale("StandardScaler")
    >>> scale_stage(df)
             ph        gt
    1 -1.181449 -0.508001
    2 -0.082427  1.397001
    3  1.263876 -0.889001

    def __init__(
        self, scaler, columns=None, exclude_columns=None, joint=False, **kwargs
        self.scaler = scaler
        self._joint = joint
        self._kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        super_kwargs = {
            "columns": columns,
            "exclude_columns": exclude_columns,
            "desc_temp": "Scale columns {}",
        valid_super_kwargs = super()._init_kwargs()
        for key in kwargs:
            if key in valid_super_kwargs:
                super_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key]
        super_kwargs["none_columns"] = OfDtypes([np.number])

    def _transformation(self, X, verbose, fit):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _fit_transform(self, X, verbose):
        self._columns_to_scale = self._get_columns(X, fit=True)
        unscaled_cols = [x for x in X.columns if x not in self._columns_to_scale]
        col_order = list(X.columns)
        inter_X = X[self._columns_to_scale]
        self._scaler = scaler_by_params(self.scaler, **self._kwargs)
            if self._joint:
                inter_X = per_column_values_sklearn_transform(
                    X=inter_X, transform=self._scaler.transform
                inter_X = pd.DataFrame(
        except Exception as e:
            raise PipelineApplicationError(
                "Exception raised when Scale applied to columns"
                f" {self._columns_to_scale} by class {self.__class__}"
            ) from e
        if len(unscaled_cols) > 0:
            unscaled = X[unscaled_cols]
            inter_X = pd.concat([inter_X, unscaled], axis=1)
            inter_X = inter_X[col_order]
        self.is_fitted = True
        return inter_X

    def _transform(self, X, verbose):
        unscaled_cols = [x for x in X.columns if x not in self._columns_to_scale]
        col_order = list(X.columns)
        inter_X = X[self._columns_to_scale]
            if self._joint:
                inter_X = per_column_values_sklearn_transform(
                    X=inter_X, transform=self._scaler.transform
                inter_X = pd.DataFrame(
        except Exception:
            raise PipelineApplicationError(
                "Exception raised when Scale applied to columns"
                f" {self._columns_to_scale} by class {self.__class__}"
        if len(unscaled_cols) > 0:
            unscaled = X[unscaled_cols]
            inter_X = pd.concat([inter_X, unscaled], axis=1)
            inter_X = inter_X[col_order]
        return inter_X


scaler = scaler instance-attribute


Bases: PdPipelineStage

A pipeline stage TFIDF-vectorizing a token-list column to count columns.

Every cell in the input columns is assumed to be a list of strings, each representing a single token. The resulting TF-IDF vector is exploded into individual columns, each with the label 'lbl_i' where lbl is the original column label and i is the index of column in the count vector.

The resulting columns are concatenated to the end of the dataframe.

All valid sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer keyword arguments can be provided as keyword arguments to the constructor, except 'input' and 'analyzer', which will be ignored. As usual, all valid PdPipelineStage constructor parameters can also be provided as keyword arguments.


Name Type Description Default
column str

The label of the token-list column to TfIdf-vectorize.

drop bool, default True

If set to True, the source column is dropped after being transformed.

hierarchical_labels bool, default False

If set to True, the labels of resulting columns are of the form 'P_F' where P is the label of the original token-list column and F is the feature name (i.e. the string token it corresponds to). Otherwise, it is simply the feature name itself. If you plan to have two different TfidfVectorizeTokenLists pipeline stages vectorizing two different token-list columns, you should set this to true, so tf-idf features originating in different text columns do not overwrite one another.

**kwargs object

All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.



>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> data = [[2, ['hovercraft', 'eels']], [5, ['eels', 'urethra']]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1, 2], ['Age', 'tokens'])
>>> tfvectorizer = pdp.TfidfVectorizeTokenLists('tokens')
>>> tfvectorizer(df)
   Age      eels  hovercraft   urethra
1    2  0.579739    0.814802  0.000000
2    5  0.579739    0.000000  0.814802
Source code in pdpipe/
class TfidfVectorizeTokenLists(PdPipelineStage):
    A pipeline stage TFIDF-vectorizing a token-list column to count columns.

    Every cell in the input columns is assumed to be a list of strings, each
    representing a single token. The resulting TF-IDF vector is exploded into
    individual columns, each with the label 'lbl_i' where lbl is the original
    column label and i is the index of column in the count vector.

    The resulting columns are concatenated to the end of the dataframe.

    All valid sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer keyword arguments
    can be provided as keyword arguments to the constructor, except 'input' and
    'analyzer', which will be ignored. As usual, all valid PdPipelineStage
    constructor parameters can also be provided as keyword arguments.

    column : str
        The label of the token-list column to TfIdf-vectorize.
    drop : bool, default True
        If set to True, the source column is dropped after being transformed.
    hierarchical_labels : bool, default False
        If set to True, the labels of resulting columns are of the form 'P_F'
        where P is the label of the original token-list column and F is the
        feature name (i.e. the string token it corresponds to). Otherwise, it
        is simply the feature name itself. If you plan to have two different
        TfidfVectorizeTokenLists pipeline stages vectorizing two different
        token-list columns, you should set this to true, so tf-idf features
        originating in different text columns do not overwrite one another.
    **kwargs : object
        All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.

    >>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
    >>> data = [[2, ['hovercraft', 'eels']], [5, ['eels', 'urethra']]]
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1, 2], ['Age', 'tokens'])
    >>> tfvectorizer = pdp.TfidfVectorizeTokenLists('tokens')
    >>> tfvectorizer(df)
       Age      eels  hovercraft   urethra
    1    2  0.579739    0.814802  0.000000
    2    5  0.579739    0.000000  0.814802

    _DEF_CNTVEC_MSG = "Count-vectorizing column {}."

    def __init__(self, column, drop=True, hierarchical_labels=False, **kwargs):
        self._column = column
        self._drop = drop
        self._hierarchical_labels = hierarchical_labels
        msg = TfidfVectorizeTokenLists._DEF_CNTVEC_MSG.format(column)
        super_kwargs = {
            "exmsg": (
                "TfidfVectorizeTokenLists precondition not met:"
                f"{column} column not found."
            "desc": msg,
        valid_vectorizer_args = _get_args_list(TfidfVectorizer.__init__)
        self._vectorizer_args = {
            k: kwargs[k]
            for k in kwargs
            if k in valid_vectorizer_args
            and k
            not in [
        pipeline_stage_args = {
            k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k in PdPipelineStage._INIT_KWARGS

    def _prec(self, X):
        return self._column in X.columns

    def _fit_transform(self, X, verbose):
        self._tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
        vectorized = self._tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(X[self._column])
        self._n_features = vectorized.shape[1]
        if self._hierarchical_labels:
            self._res_col_names = [
                for f in self._tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
            self._res_col_names = self._tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
        vec_X = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(
            data=vectorized, index=X.index, columns=self._res_col_names
        inter_X = pd.concat([X, vec_X], axis=1)
        self.is_fitted = True
        if self._drop:
            return inter_X.drop(self._column, axis=1)
        return inter_X

    def _transform(self, X, verbose):
        vectorized = self._tfidf_vectorizer.transform(X[self._column])
        vec_X = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(
            data=vectorized, index=X.index, columns=self._res_col_names
        inter_X = pd.concat([X, vec_X], axis=1)
        if self._drop:
            return inter_X.drop(self._column, axis=1)
        return inter_X


Bases: ColumnsBasedPipelineStage

A stage applying dimensionality reduction through matrix decomposition.


Name Type Description Default
transformer sklearn.TransformerMixin

An instance of a matrix decomposer transformer from the sklearn. decomposition module.

columns single label, list-like or callable, default None

Column labels in the DataFrame to be transformer. If columns is None then all columns of numeric dtype will be scaled, except those given in the exclude_columns parameter. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

exclude_columns single label, list-like or callable, default None

Label or labels of columns to be excluded from encoding. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

drop bool, default True

If set to True, decomposed columns are dropped, and the resulting set of columns are concatenated to all un-transformed columns, with matching column labels (see the lbl_format parameters). If set to False, the new columns are instead concatenated to the input dataframe.

lbl_format str, optional

An f-string with a single {} slot, used to generated post-decomposition column labels. For example, 'pca{:0>3}' will yield columns 'pca000', 'pca001', etc. If not provided, the default 'mdc{}' is used.

**kwargs extra keyword arguments

PdPipelineStage valid keyword arguments are used to override Decompose class defaults. All other extra keyword arguments are forwarded to the transformer constructor on transformer creation.



Name Type Description
transformer sklearn.TransformerMixin

The transformer instance used to perform the decomposition.


>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
>>> data = [[3, 1, 1], [7, 2, 4], [8, 3, 1]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2,3], ["a", "b", "c"])
>>> pca_stage = pdp.Decompose(PCA(), n_components=2)
>>> pca_stage(df)
       mdc0      mdc1
1  3.313301 -0.148453
2 -1.432127  1.717269
3 -1.881174 -1.568816
Source code in pdpipe/
class Decompose(ColumnsBasedPipelineStage):
    A stage applying dimensionality reduction through matrix decomposition.

    transformer : sklearn.TransformerMixin
        An instance of a matrix decomposer transformer from the
        `sklearn. decomposition` module.
    columns : single label, list-like or callable, default None
        Column labels in the DataFrame to be transformer. If columns is None
        then all columns of numeric dtype will be scaled, except those given
        in the exclude_columns parameter. Alternatively, this parameter can be
        assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input
        pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    exclude_columns : single label, list-like or callable, default None
        Label or labels of columns to be excluded from encoding. Alternatively,
        this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of
        labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    drop : bool, default True
        If set to True, decomposed columns are dropped, and the resulting set
        of columns are concatenated to all un-transformed columns, with
        matching column labels (see the `lbl_format` parameters). If set to
        False, the new columns are instead concatenated to the input dataframe.
    lbl_format : str, optional
        An f-string with a single {} slot, used to generated post-decomposition
        column labels. For example, 'pca{:0>3}' will yield columns 'pca000',
        'pca001', etc. If not provided, the default 'mdc{}' is used.
    **kwargs : extra keyword arguments
        PdPipelineStage valid keyword arguments are used to override
        Decompose class defaults. All other extra keyword arguments are
        forwarded to the transformer constructor on transformer creation.

    transformer : sklearn.TransformerMixin
        The transformer instance used to perform the decomposition.

    >>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
    >>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
    >>> data = [[3, 1, 1], [7, 2, 4], [8, 3, 1]]
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2,3], ["a", "b", "c"])
    >>> pca_stage = pdp.Decompose(PCA(), n_components=2)
    >>> pca_stage(df)
           mdc0      mdc1
    1  3.313301 -0.148453
    2 -1.432127  1.717269
    3 -1.881174 -1.568816

    def __init__(
        self.transformer = transformer
        self._drop = drop
        self._lbl_format = lbl_format
        if lbl_format is None:
            self._lbl_format = "mdc{}"
        self._kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        super_kwargs = {
            "columns": columns,
            "exclude_columns": exclude_columns,
            "desc_temp": f"Decompose columns {{}} with {transformer}",
        valid_super_kwargs = super()._init_kwargs()
        for key in kwargs:
            if key in valid_super_kwargs:
                super_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key]
        super_kwargs["none_columns"] = OfDtypes([np.number])

    def _transformation(self, X, verbose, fit):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _fit_transform(self, X, verbose):
        self._columns_to_transform = self._get_columns(X, fit=True)
        untransformed_cols = [
            x for x in X.columns if x not in self._columns_to_transform
        sub_X = X[self._columns_to_transform]
        self._transformer = clone(self.transformer)
        self._transformer = self._transformer.set_params(**self._kwargs)
            inter_X = self._transformer.fit_transform(sub_X.values)
            n_cols = inter_X.shape[1]
            columns = [self._lbl_format.format(i) for i in range(n_cols)]
            inter_X = pd.DataFrame(
        except Exception as e:
            raise PipelineApplicationError(
                "Exception raised when Decompose applied to columns"
                f" {self._columns_to_transform} by class {self.__class__}"
            ) from e
        if self._drop:
            if len(untransformed_cols) > 0:
                untransformed = X[untransformed_cols]
                inter_X = pd.concat([untransformed, inter_X], axis=1)
            inter_X = pd.concat([X, inter_X], axis=1)
        self.is_fitted = True
        return inter_X

    def _transform(self, X, verbose):
        untransformed_cols = [
            x for x in X.columns if x not in self._columns_to_transform
        sub_X = X[self._columns_to_transform]
            inter_X = self._transformer.transform(sub_X.values)
            n_cols = inter_X.shape[1]
            columns = [self._lbl_format.format(i) for i in range(n_cols)]
            inter_X = pd.DataFrame(
        except Exception as e:
            raise PipelineApplicationError(
                "Exception raised when Decompose applied to columns"
                f" {self._columns_to_transform} by class {self.__class__}"
            ) from e
        if self._drop:
            if len(untransformed_cols) > 0:
                untransformed = X[untransformed_cols]
                inter_X = pd.concat([untransformed, inter_X], axis=1)
            inter_X = pd.concat([X, inter_X], axis=1)
        return inter_X


transformer = transformer instance-attribute


Bases: PdPipelineStage

A pipeline stage that encodes the input label series to integer values.

The encoder for each column is saved in the attribute 'encoder', which is a dict mapping each encoded column name to the The used sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object is saved in the encoder_ attribute.


Name Type Description Default
**kwargs object

All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.



Name Type Description
encoder_ sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder

The sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object used to encode the series label.


>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> data = [[3.2, 31], [7.2, 33], [12.1, 28]]
>>> X = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2,3], ["ph","temp"])
>>> y = pd.Series(["acd", "alk", "alk"])
>>> encode_stage = pdp.EncodeLabel()
>>> X, y = encode_stage(X, y)
>>> X
     ph  temp
1   3.2    31
2   7.2    33
3  12.1    28
>>> y
1    0
2    1
3    1
dtype: int...
>>> encode_stage.encoder_.inverse_transform([0,1,1])
array(['acd', 'alk', 'alk'], dtype=object)
Source code in pdpipe/
class EncodeLabel(PdPipelineStage):
    A pipeline stage that encodes the input label series to integer values.

    The encoder for each column is saved in the attribute 'encoder', which
    is a dict mapping each encoded column name to the
    The used `sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder` object is saved in the
    `encoder_` attribute.

    **kwargs : object
        All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.

    encoder_ : sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder
        The sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object used to encode the series

    >>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
    >>> data = [[3.2, 31], [7.2, 33], [12.1, 28]]
    >>> X = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2,3], ["ph","temp"])
    >>> y = pd.Series(["acd", "alk", "alk"])
    >>> encode_stage = pdp.EncodeLabel()
    >>> X, y = encode_stage(X, y)
    >>> X
         ph  temp
    1   3.2    31
    2   7.2    33
    3  12.1    28
    >>> y
    1    0
    2    1
    3    1
    dtype: int...
    >>> encode_stage.encoder_.inverse_transform([0,1,1])
    array(['acd', 'alk', 'alk'], dtype=object)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: object) -> None:
        skipi = _SkipOnLabelPlaceholderPredict()
        if "skip" in kwargs:
            skipi.skip_cond = kwargs.pop("skip")
        super_kwargs = {
            "desc": "Encode label values",
            "skip": skipi,

    def _prec(self, X, y):
        return y is not None

    def _transform(self, X, verbose):
        raise UnexpectedPipelineMethodCallError(  # pragma: no cover
            "EncodeLabel._transform() is not expected to be called!"

    def _fit_transform_Xy(self, X, y, verbose):
        self.encoder_ = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
        post_y = self.encoder_.fit_transform(y)
        post_y = pd.Series(data=post_y, index=y.index)
        self.is_fitted = True
        return X, post_y

    def _transform_Xy(self, X, y, verbose):
            post_y = self.encoder_.transform(y)
            post_y = pd.Series(data=post_y, index=y.index)
            return X, post_y
        except AttributeError:
            raise UnfittedPipelineStageError("EncodeLabel is not fitted!")


Last update: 2022-01-19