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Condition Objects

Pdpipe pre, post and skip conditions

In pdpipe, pipeline stages have three optional constructor parameters that accept callables that are treated as conditions: prec, post and skip. All three assume input callables can accept a pandas.Dataframe object as input and return either True or False.


prec - representing the stage's precondition - determines whether a stage can be applied to an input dataframe. Accordingly, a stage throws a FailedPreconditionError if its precondition is not satisfied.


post - representing the stage's postcondition - determines whether a stage transformed the input dataframe in the expected manner. Accordingly, a stage throws a FailedPostconditionError if its postcondition is not satisfied.


skip - representing the stage's skip condition - determines whether it should be applied to an input dataframe. Stage application is skipped if its skip-condition is satisfied.

The pdpipe.cond module

This module - pdpipe.cond - provides a way to easily generate Condition objects, which are callable, and can easily be made fittable - to have their result determined in fit time and preserved for future transforms - by assigning the constructor parameter fittable=True. This enables the creation of pipeline stages whose their effective inclusion in the pipeline is determined only when fit_transform is called; for example, whether dimensionality reduction is required - once this decision is done in training time it should be maintained for all future transforms of data (in test and validation sets or in production).

Conditions operators

Conditions objects also support the &, ^ and | binary operators - representing boolean and, xor and or, respectively - and the ~ unary operator - representing the boolean not operator.

So, for example, to get a condition that is satisfied by dataframes that are missing at least one column from a list of column labels, one can use:

Negation with Condition objects

>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(
...    [[8,'a',5],[5,'b',7]], [1,2], ['num', 'chr', 'nur'])
>>> cond = ~ pdp.cond.HasAllColumns(['num', 'chr'])
>>> cond(df)
>>> cond = ~ pdp.cond.HasAllColumns(['num','go'])
>>> cond(df)

Similarly, to get a condition that is satisfied by dataframes that both have columns named 'foo' and 'bar' AND have no missing values, use:

AND and OR with Condition objects

>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([[8, None],[5, 2]], [1,2], ['foo', 'bar'])
>>> col_cond = pdp.cond.HasAllColumns(['foo', 'bar'])
>>> missing_cond = pdp.cond.HasNoMissingValues()
>>> (col_cond | missing_cond)(df)
>>> (col_cond & missing_cond)(df)
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([[8, 9],[5, 2]], [1,2], ['foo', 'bar'])
>>> (col_cond & missing_cond)(df)

While the same code but with XOR will yield the opposite result:

XOR with Condition objects

>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([[8, None],[5, 2]], [1,2], ['foo', 'bar'])
>>> col_cond = pdp.cond.HasAllColumns(['foo', 'bar'])
>>> missing_cond = pdp.cond.HasNoMissingValues()
>>> (col_cond ^ missing_cond)(df)
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([[8, 9],[5, 2]], [1,2], ['foo', 'bar'])
>>> (col_cond ^ missing_cond)(df)

Last update: 2022-07-06