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Pipeline Stages

Creating Pipeline Stages

You can create stages with the following syntax:

  import pdpipe as pdp
  drop_name = pdp.ColDrop("Name")

All pipeline stages have a predefined precondition function that returns True for dataframes to which the stage can be applied. By default, pipeline stages raise an exception if a DataFrame not meeting their precondition is piped through. This behaviour can be set per-stage by assigning exraise with a bool in the constructor call. If exraise is set to False the input DataFrame is instead returned without change:

  drop_name = pdp.ColDrop("Name", exraise=False)

Applying Pipeline Stages

You can apply a pipeline stage to a DataFrame using its apply method:

  res_df = pdp.ColDrop("Name").apply(df)

Pipeline stages are also callables, making the following syntax equivalent:

  drop_name = pdp.ColDrop("Name")
  res_df = drop_name(df)

The initialized exception behaviour of a pipeline stage can be overridden on a per-application basis:

  drop_name = pdp.ColDrop("Name", exraise=False)
  res_df = drop_name(df, exraise=True)

Additionally, to have an explanation message print after the precondition is checked but before the application of the pipeline stage, pass verbose=True:

  res_df = drop_name(df, verbose=True)

All pipeline stages also adhere to the scikit-learn transformer API, and so have fit_transform and transform methods; these behave exactly like apply, and accept the input dataframe as parameter X. For the same reason, pipeline stages also have a fit method, which applies them but returns the input dataframe unchanged.

Fittable Pipeline Stages

Some pipeline stages can be fitted, meaning that some transformation parameters are set the first time a dataframe is piped through the stage, while later applications of the stage use these now-set parameters without changing them; the Encode scikit-learn-dependent stage is a good example.

For these type of stages the first call to apply will both fit the stage and transform the input dataframe, while subsequent calls to apply will transform input dataframes according to the already-fitted transformation parameters.

Additionally, for fittable stages the scikit-learn transformer API methods behave as expected:

  • fit sets the transformation parameters of the stage but returns the input dataframe unchanged.
  • fit_transform both sets the transformation parameters of the stage and returns the input dataframe after transformation.
  • transform transforms input dataframes according to already-fitted transformation parameters; if the stage is not fitted, an UnfittedPipelineStageError is raised.

Again, apply, fit_transform and are all of equivalent for non-fittable pipeline stages. And in all cases the y parameter of these methods is ignored.

Last update: 2022-01-15