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Building Pipelines: Generator functions VS constructors

This is a short one, showcasing two ways to dynamically build complex, parameterized, pipelines.

Generator functions for pipelines

One way to generate complex pipeline is by defining a generator function whose signature is composed of both all the parameters that define the structure of the pipeline (like whether or not to include a specific pipeline stage, or a whole section of the pipeline), AND all the parameters inner pipeline stages need to get when initializing them.

from typing import List

import pandas as pd
import pdpipe as pdp

class Halfer:

  def __init__(self, columns_to_halve: List[object]) -> None:
    self.columns_to_halve = columns_to_halve

  def __call__(self, row: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    new = {
      f'{lbl}/2': row[lbl] / 2
      for lbl in self.columns_to_halve
    return pd.Series(new)

def pipeline_constructor(
  columns_to_drop: List[object],
  columns_to_half: List[object],
  scale: bool,
) -> pdp.PdPipeline:
  """Constructs my pandas dataframe-processing pipeline, according to some input arguments.

  columns_to_drop : list of objects
     A list of the labels of the columns to drop.
     Any Python object that can be used as pandas label can be included in the list.
  columns_to_half : list of objects
     A list of the labels of the columns to half.
     For each such a column, an additional new column, containing its halved values, is generated.
     Each new column has the label "x/2", where "x" is the label of the corresponding original column.
     Any Python object that can be used as pandas label can be included in the list.
  scale : bool
    If True, the last pipeline stage min-max scales all numerical columns.
    Otherwise, no such pipeline stage is appended to the pipeline.

  pipeline : pdpipe.PdPipeline
    The resulting pipeline constructed by this constructor.
  stages = [
  if scale:
  return pdp.PdPipeline(stages)

Constructors for pipelines

Another option to achieve the same result is to directly extend the pdpipe.PdPipeline class. The created stages can be sent to the constructor of the super class, as can any extra keyword-arguments, allowing you to preserve all functionality of the PdPipeline class.

from typing import List

import pandas as pd
import pdpipe as pdp

class Halfer:

  def __init__(self, columns_to_halve: List[object]) -> None:
    self.columns_to_halve = columns_to_halve

  def __call__(self, row: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    new = {
      f'{lbl}/2': row[lbl] / 2
      for lbl in self.columns_to_halve
    return pd.Series(new)

class MyPipeline(pdp.PdPipeline):

  def __init__(
    columns_to_drop: List[object],
    columns_to_half: List[object],
    scale: bool,
    **kwargs: object,  # (1)
  ) -> None:
    """My pandas dataframe-processing pipeline, according to some input arguments.

    columns_to_drop : list of objects
       A list of the labels of the columns to drop.
       Any Python object that can be used as pandas label can be included in the list.
    columns_to_half : list of objects
       A list of the labels of the columns to half.
       For each such a column, an additional new column, containing its halved values, is generated.
       Each new column has the label "x/2", where "x" is the label of the corresponding original column.
       Any Python object that can be used as pandas label can be included in the list.
    scale : bool
      If True, the last pipeline stage min-max scales all numerical columns.
      Otherwise, no such pipeline stage is appended to the pipeline.
    stages = [
    if scale:
    super().__init__(stages=stages, **kwargs)
  1. This is the correct way to type-hint the **kwargs variable argument operator. We only need to hint the type of values in the kwargs dict, and thus, if we don't want to contrain them at all, we type-hint object.

That's it!

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Last update: 2022-07-10