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Text Processing Stages

Also look at NLTK-based stages.

Text processing pdpipe pipeline stages.




Bases: ApplyByCols

A pipeline stage replacing regex occurences in a text column.


Name Type Description Default
columns single label, list-like or callable

Column labels in the DataFrame which regex replacement be applied to. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

pattern str

The regex whose occurences will be replaced.

replace str

The replacement string to use. This is equivalent to repl in re.sub.

flags int, default 0

Regex flags that are compatible with Python's re module.

result_columns label or list-like of labels, default None

The labels of the new columns resulting from the mapping operation. Must be of the same length as columns. If None, behavior depends on the drop parameter: If drop is True, the label of the source column is used; otherwise, the label of the source column is casted to a string and concatenated with the suffix '_reg'.

drop bool, default True

If set to True, source columns are dropped after being transformed.

**kwargs object

All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.



>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp; import re;
>>> data = [[4, "more than 12"], [5, "with 5 more"]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2], ["age","text"])
>>> clean_num = pdp.RegexReplace('text', r'\b[0-9]+\b', "NUM")
>>> clean_num(df)
   age           text
1    4  more than NUM
2    5  with NUM more
>>> data = [["Mr. John", 18], ["MR. Bob", 25]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2], ["name","age"])
>>> match_men = r'^mr.*'
>>> censor_men = pdp.RegexReplace(
...    'name', match_men, "x", flags=re.IGNORECASE
... )
>>> censor_men(df)
  name  age
1    x   18
2    x   25
Source code in pdpipe/
class RegexReplace(ApplyByCols):
    A pipeline stage replacing regex occurences in a text column.

    columns : single label, list-like or callable
        Column labels in the DataFrame which regex replacement be applied to.
        Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an
        iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    pattern : str
        The regex whose occurences will be replaced.
    replace : str
        The replacement string to use. This is equivalent to repl in re.sub.
    flags : int, default 0
        Regex flags that are compatible with Python's `re` module.
    result_columns : label or list-like of labels, default None
        The labels of the new columns resulting from the mapping operation.
        Must be of the same length as columns. If None, behavior depends on the
        drop parameter: If drop is True, the label of the source column is
        used; otherwise, the label of the source column is casted to a string
        and concatenated with the suffix '_reg'.
    drop : bool, default True
        If set to True, source columns are dropped after being transformed.
    **kwargs : object
        All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.

    >>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp; import re;
    >>> data = [[4, "more than 12"], [5, "with 5 more"]]
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2], ["age","text"])
    >>> clean_num = pdp.RegexReplace('text', r'\\b[0-9]+\\b', "NUM")
    >>> clean_num(df)
       age           text
    1    4  more than NUM
    2    5  with NUM more

    >>> data = [["Mr. John", 18], ["MR. Bob", 25]]
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2], ["name","age"])
    >>> match_men = r'^mr.*'
    >>> censor_men = pdp.RegexReplace(
    ...    'name', match_men, "x", flags=re.IGNORECASE
    ... )
    >>> censor_men(df)
      name  age
    1    x   18
    2    x   25
    """  # noqa: W605

    class _RegexReplacer(object):
        """A pickle-able regex replacement function."""

        def __init__(
            pattern_str: str,
            replace_text: str,
            flags: Optional[int] = 0,
        ) -> None:
            self.pattern_str = pattern_str
            self.replace_text = replace_text
            self.flags = flags
            self.pattern_obj = re.compile(pattern_str, flags=flags)

        def __call__(self, string: str):
            return self.pattern_obj.sub(self.replace_text, string)

    def __init__(
        columns: ColumnsParamType,
        pattern: str,
        replace: str,
        flags: Optional[int] = 0,
        result_columns: Optional[ColumnLabelsType] = None,
        drop: Optional[bool] = True,
        self._pattern_str = pattern
        self._replace = replace
        self._flags = flags
        desc_temp = "Replacing appearances of {} with '{}' in column {{}}"
        desc_temp = desc_temp.format(pattern, replace)
        super_kwargs = {
            "columns": columns,
            "func": RegexReplace._RegexReplacer(
                self._pattern_str, self._replace, self._flags
            "suffix": "_regex",
            "result_columns": result_columns,
            "drop": drop,
            "desc_temp": desc_temp,


Bases: ApplyByCols

A pipeline stage removing tokens by length in string-token list columns.


Name Type Description Default
columns single label, list-like or callable

Names of token list columns on which to apply token filtering. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

min_len int

The minimum length of tokens to keep. Tokens of shorter length are removed from all token lists.

max_len int, default None

The maximum length of tokens to keep. If provided, tokens of longer length are removed from all token lists.

result_columns str or list-like, default None

The names of the new columns resulting from the mapping operation. Must be of the same length as columns. If None, behavior depends on the drop parameter: If drop is True, the name of the source column is used; otherwise, the name of the source column is used with the suffix '_filtered'.

drop bool, default True

If set to True, source columns are dropped after being transformed.

**kwargs object

All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.



>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> data = [[4, ["a", "bad", "nice"]], [5, ["good", "university"]]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2], ["age","text"])
>>> filter_tokens = pdp.DropTokensByLength('text', 3, 5)
>>> filter_tokens(df)
   age         text
1    4  [bad, nice]
2    5       [good]
Source code in pdpipe/
class DropTokensByLength(ApplyByCols):
    A pipeline stage removing tokens by length in string-token list columns.

    columns : single label, list-like or callable
        Names of token list columns on which to apply token filtering.
        Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an
        iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    min_len : int
        The minimum length of tokens to keep. Tokens of shorter length are
        removed from all token lists.
    max_len : int, default None
        The maximum length of tokens to keep. If provided, tokens of longer
        length are removed from all token lists.
    result_columns : str or list-like, default None
        The names of the new columns resulting from the mapping operation.
        Must be of the same length as columns. If None, behavior depends on
        the drop parameter: If drop is True, the name of the source column
        is used; otherwise, the name of the source column is used with the
        suffix '_filtered'.
    drop : bool, default True
        If set to True, source columns are dropped after being transformed.
    **kwargs : object
        All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.

    >>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
    >>> data = [[4, ["a", "bad", "nice"]], [5, ["good", "university"]]]
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2], ["age","text"])
    >>> filter_tokens = pdp.DropTokensByLength('text', 3, 5)
    >>> filter_tokens(df)
       age         text
    1    4  [bad, nice]
    2    5       [good]
    """  # noqa: W605

    class _MinLengthTokenFilter(object):
        def __init__(self, min_len):
            self.min_len = min_len

        def __call__(self, token_list):
            return [x for x in token_list if len(x) >= self.min_len]

    class _MinMaxLengthTokenFilter(object):
        def __init__(self, min_len, max_len):
            self.min_len = min_len
            self.max_len = max_len

        def __call__(self, token_list):
            return [
                for x in token_list
                if len(x) >= self.min_len and len(x) <= self.max_len

    def __init__(
        self, columns, min_len, max_len=None, result_columns=None, drop=True, **kwargs
        self._min_len = min_len
        self._max_len = max_len
        token_filter = DropTokensByLength._MinLengthTokenFilter(min_len)
        cond_str = f" > {min_len}"
        if max_len:
            token_filter = DropTokensByLength._MinMaxLengthTokenFilter(
                min_len=min_len, max_len=max_len
            cond_str += f" < {max_len}"
        desc_temp = "Filtering out tokens of length{} in columns {{}}"
        desc_temp = desc_temp.format(cond_str)
        super_kwargs = {
            "columns": columns,
            "func": token_filter,
            "result_columns": result_columns,
            "drop": drop,
            "suffix": "_filtered",
            "desc_temp": desc_temp,


Bases: ApplyByCols

A pipeline stage removing specific tokens in string-token list columns.


Name Type Description Default
columns single label, list-like or callable

Names of token list columns on which to apply token filtering. Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See pdpipe.cq.

bad_tokens list of str

The list of string tokens to remove from all token lists.

result_columns str or list-like, default None

The names of the new columns resulting from the mapping operation. Must be of the same length as columns. If None, behavior depends on the drop parameter: If drop is True, the name of the source column is used; otherwise, the name of the source column is used with the suffix '_filtered'.

drop bool, default True

If set to True, source columns are dropped after being transformed.

**kwargs object

All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.



>>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
>>> data = [[4, ["a", "bad", "cat"]], [5, ["bad", "not", "good"]]]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2], ["age","text"])
>>> filter_tokens = pdp.DropTokensByList('text', ['bad'])
>>> filter_tokens(df)
   age         text
1    4     [a, cat]
2    5  [not, good]
Source code in pdpipe/
class DropTokensByList(ApplyByCols):
    A pipeline stage removing specific tokens in string-token list columns.

    columns : single label, list-like or callable
        Names of token list columns on which to apply token filtering.
        Alternatively, this parameter can be assigned a callable returning an
        iterable of labels from an input pandas.DataFrame. See `pdpipe.cq`.
    bad_tokens : list of str
        The list of string tokens to remove from all token lists.
    result_columns : str or list-like, default None
        The names of the new columns resulting from the mapping operation.
        Must be of the same length as columns. If None, behavior depends on
        the drop parameter: If drop is True, the name of the source column
        is used; otherwise, the name of the source column is used with the
        suffix '_filtered'.
    drop : bool, default True
        If set to True, source columns are dropped after being transformed.
    **kwargs : object
        All PdPipelineStage constructor parameters are supported.

    >>> import pandas as pd; import pdpipe as pdp;
    >>> data = [[4, ["a", "bad", "cat"]], [5, ["bad", "not", "good"]]]
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data, [1,2], ["age","text"])
    >>> filter_tokens = pdp.DropTokensByList('text', ['bad'])
    >>> filter_tokens(df)
       age         text
    1    4     [a, cat]
    2    5  [not, good]
    """  # noqa: W605

    class _ListTokenFilter(object):
        def __init__(self, bad_tokens):
            self.bad_tokens = bad_tokens

        def __call__(self, token_list):
            return [x for x in token_list if x not in self.bad_tokens]

    def __init__(self, columns, bad_tokens, result_columns=None, drop=True, **kwargs):
        self._bad_tokens = bad_tokens
        cond_str = ""
        if len(bad_tokens) < 10:
            cond_str = " in list [" + " ".join(bad_tokens) + "]"
        base_str = "Filtering out tokens{} in columns {{}}"
        desc_temp = base_str.format(cond_str)
        super_kwargs = {
            "columns": columns,
            "func": DropTokensByList._ListTokenFilter(bad_tokens),
            "result_columns": result_columns,
            "drop": drop,
            "suffix": "_filtered",
            "desc_temp": desc_temp,

Last update: 2022-01-19