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pdpipe Pipelines

Creating Pipelines

Pipelines can be created by supplying a list of pipeline stages:

import pdpipe as pdp
pipeline = pdp.PdPipeline([pdp.ColDrop("Name"), pdp.OneHotEncode("Label")]

Additionally, the make_pdpipeline method can be used to give stages as positional arguments.

pipeline = pdp.make_pdpipeline(pdp.ColDrop("Name"), pdp.OneHotEncode("Label"))

Printing Pipelines

A pipeline structure can be clearly displayed by printing the object:

>>> drop_name = pdp.ColDrop("Name")
>>> binar_label = pdp.OneHotEncode("Label")
>>> map_job = pdp.MapColVals("Job", {"Part": True, "Full":True, "No": False})
>>> pipeline = pdp.PdPipeline([drop_name, binar_label, map_job])
>>> print(pipeline)
A pdpipe pipeline:
[ 0]  Drop column Name
[ 1]  OneHotEncode Label
[ 2]  Map values of column Job with {'Part': True, 'Full': True, 'No': False}

Pipeline Arithmetics

Alternatively, you can create pipelines by adding pipeline stages together:

pipeline = pdp.ColDrop("Name") + pdp.OneHotEncode("Label")

Or even by adding pipelines together or pipelines to pipeline stages:

pipeline = pdp.ColDrop("Name") + pdp.OneHotEncode("Label")
pipeline += pdp.MapColVals("Job", {"Part": True, "Full":True, "No": False})
pipeline += pdp.PdPipeline([pdp.ColRename({"Job": "Employed"})])

Pipeline Chaining

Pipeline stages can also be chained to other stages to create pipelines:

pipeline = pdp.ColDrop("Name").OneHotEncode("Label").ValDrop([-1], "Children")

Pipeline Slicing

Pipelines are Python Sequence objects, and as such can be sliced using Python's slicing notation, just like lists:

>>> pipeline = pdp.ColDrop("Name").OneHotEncode("Label").ValDrop([-1], "Children").ApplyByCols("height", math.ceil)
>>> pipeline[0]
Drop column Name
>>> pipeline[1:2]
A pdpipe pipeline:
[ 0] OneHotEncode Label

Pipelines can also be sliced by the stages name parameter, notice when running pipeline[['name1', 'name2']] a new pipeline will returned with all stages that they name is 'name1' or 'name2', and when running pipeline['name'] only the first stage that has the 'name' will return.:

>>> pipeline = pdp.ColDrop("Name", name="dropName").OneHotEncode("Label", name="encoder").ValDrop([-1], "Children").ApplyByCols("height", math.ceil)
>>> pipeline['dropName']
PdPipelineStage: Drop columns Name
>>> pipeline[['dropName', 'encoder']]
A pdpipe pipeline:
[ 0]  Drop columns Name
[ 1]  One-hot encode Label

Applying Pipelines

Pipelines are pipeline stages themselves, and can be applied to a DataFrame using the same syntax, applying each of the stages making them up, in order:

pipeline = pdp.ColDrop("Name") + pdp.OneHotEncode("Label")
res_df = pipeline(df)

Assigning the parameter to a pipeline apply call with a bool sets or unsets exception raising on failed preconditions for all contained stages:

pipeline = pdp.ColDrop("Name") + pdp.OneHotEncode("Label")
res_df = pipeline.apply(df, exraise=False)

Additionally, passing verbose=True to a pipeline apply call will apply all pipeline stages verbosely:

res_df = pipeline.apply(df, verbose=True)

Finally, fit, transform and fit_transform all call the corresponding pipeline stage methods of all stages composing the pipeline.

Last update: 2022-08-01